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Kari is the CEO and majority owner of InHunt Group. Kari is known as a builder of successful organizations and has hired and helped large numbers of people succeed in their work. At InHunt, Kari has worked as a headhunter since 2012 and as CEO since 2014. Kari also has several board responsibilities.
Mikko has, up to today, had an extensive career in international finance sector in expert and leadership roles both in Finland and abroad. Mikko has among other things helped corporates to expand internationally, specifically in BRIC countries by creating credible partnerships between companies, people, and cultures. During Mikko’s career he has also co-founded and acted as CEO in an internal start-up. Most recently he has been leading in Vienna the Innovation and Organizational Development activities in an organization of 40 000 employees spread in over 10 countries. “Make people shine” describes Mikko’s leadership style and endless interest and curiosity on people’s growth stories and enabling them. Mikko is known as the “Finnish icebreaker with a warm heart”.
Tarja has extensive experience in versatile business development and change management. She has worked among others as CEO, Group Controller and Consultant. Tarja has been a member of several management teams both in Finland and internationally. She has a long career in the finance industry, as well as experience in, among others. research and analytics.
Katja has a long experience in sales (B2B & B2C), customer experience and service business. She has worked both in national and international companies and both in family owned and listed companies. In her career, she has worked in expert-, manager- and director level positions and has gathered strong experience in development-, project- and executive team roles in different companies. Over the years Katja has cooperated with various industries, but she clearly has the strongest experience in retail, industrial and restaurant industries. Katja´s strength is years of experience in change management, coaching and developing company’s organizations, roles, and processes. In addition to sales, topics such as competence and management development are close to her heart. Katja has also several years of experience in HR and especially in recruitment and this is a clear advantage in this new role as a headhunter.
Jarkko has nearly 10 years of experience in the executive search industry. He has successfully sourced a wide range of senior executives into various companies. Jarkko has also coached several hundred people, including CEOs and Executive Committee members. Moreover, Jarkko is a director for outplacement services.
Marita has long experience in digitalizing business, leading IT development programs, and change management in global companies. As a program leader, she has recruited and led multinational teams. She is familiar with standard IT and process development working methods, such as agile SCRUM, LEAN in service design and other service design methods. Marita has carried out business development especially for sales and marketing, e.g. e-commerce, go-to-market and digital marketing. She has experience from ICT industry, retail chain management and media, both in listed companies and SME’s.
Stig has years of experience in recruiting and headhunting Executives, Managers, and Specialists. Before InHunt, Stig did recruitments in five different companies when he was working in different Manager and Director positions. He has 30 years of experience in ICT, ergonomics, and construction. Stig led, eg. Kontiotuote Oy’s national sales and marketing operations in 27 locations. Before that, Stig managed the business operations of Martela Oyj’s Oulu and Lapland region and the Oulu Telecom plc business services unit.
Peter has 30 years of experience in developing and managing technology companies. He took a lead of his father’s company and turned it from the 20 employees to 450 people international electrical and mechanical systems supplier group. He has also been working in Poland for one and a half years to launch the Group’s plant processes. Peter’s special expertise is the management and development of industrial processes and the related system integration. In addition, Peter has experience in the field of energy engineering for automation planning and implementation of hybrid heating systems.
Harri has worked as a full-time Headhunter for several years. He specializes in finding board members, senior management, middle management and experts. He has conducted several executive searches to senior management positions. Harri has over 30 years of solid experience in management, which give him an advantage to have a very broad and diverse network across multiple industries.
Harri has worked in several demanding management positions throughout his career. He has made his own strong contributions to a number of strategically important projects and a number of different management positions. He is and has been a member of the Turku Chamber of Commerce’s Trade Policy Committee for several years. Harri is an Approved Member of the Board and an Approved Chairman of the Board. Throughout his career, he has been responsible for recruiting and profitably running his own business unit / company. Harri’s references include a wide range of different direct searches, silent and public, including very high position searches that also require a secrecy process. There have been searches for e.g. CEO, CFO, CDO, COO, CTO, CMO, R&D Director.
Harri is responsible for all recruitments in areas to Varsinais-Suomi: Aura Kaarina Koski TL Kustavi Kemiö Laitila Lieto Loimaa Parainen Pargas Marttila Masku Mynämäki Naantali Nousiainen Oripää Paimio Pyhäranta Pöytyä Raisio Rusko Salo Sauvo Somero Taivassalo Turku Uusikaupunki Vehmaa Satakunta: Eura Eurajoki Harjavalta Honkajoki Huittinen Jämijärvi Kankaanpää Karvia Kokemäki Merikarvia Nakkila Pomarkku Pori Rauma Siikainen Säkylä Ulvila Åland: Brändö Eckerö Finström Föglö Geta Hammarland Jomala Kumlinge Kökar Lemland Lumparland Maarianhamina Saltvik Sottunga Sund Vårdö Kanta-häme: Forssa Jokioinen
Timo has several years of Headhunter experience. He has successfully searched for board members, senior and middle management, and experts according to clients’ wishes and requirements for listed, SME and family businesses. In addition, Timo has also searched professionals for many municipal and city-owned companies for numerous different positions. In addition to direct search and recruitment, Timo has coached people to help them relocate.
Timo has more than 30 years of experience in sales, customer service, customer processes, and development. In addition to the above, core competencies include invoicing and financial management as well as credit management processes. Timo has solid experience in the energy sector, the engineering industry, and the service business.
Heikki is the Area Director of North Savo and North Karelia region. Heikki has previously worked as Executive Vice President of an international industrial company in the technology sector as well as Export Director of an international wood processing company. In addition, Heikki worked abroad for several years when he was procurement director of an international construction group.
Raimo has 33 years of experience in executive/VP positions in global sales and marketing and as a Managing Director. He has built up and managed a global sales team in a mechanical forest industry corporation and made a long career as a Managing Director in the manufacturing industry. Raimo has made a significant number of recruitments of agents, executives, managers, and specialists. He is also familiar with working with a board of directors in different businesses and with lobbying.
Tuulin (OTL, VT, EMBA) taustalla on asiantuntijan, keskijohdon ja maajohtajan tehtäviä finanssialalla sekä monikansallisessa pörssiyhtiössä. Tuulin erityisosaamiset liittyvät vankasti muutosjohtamiseen, liiketoiminnan saneeraamiseen (Lean Six Sigma Black Belt), johtoryhmien rakentamiseen, organisaatioiden osaamisen ja mittaamisen kehittämiseen sekä strategiseen valmentamiseen. Tuuli on myös aktiivinen toimija viihde- ja musiikkialalla sekä koulutus- ja tutkimustoiminnassa.
Prior to joining InHunt, Petri has served as the managing director for nearly 30 years in sports and leisure industry. As a headhunter he has conducted several C-level searches for plc and llc companies as well as numerous finance sector, sales director and sales specialist, lawyer and various expert searches. He has wide experience in board work in companies and in third sector, acting now in for example at Finnish Basketball and Finnish Handball federations boards.
Janne has vast experience in operational and commercial operations management in the service sector. He has been a sales and marketing director, commercial director, sales director, responsible for revenue management functions, business management senior consultant and chain director. His employers have been leading national and international companies.
Prior to joining InHunt, Janne has served for over 30 years as an officer within the Finnish Defense Forces. In this time, he has gained extensive experience in management, training and public administration through various commander, manager and expertise positions. He has worked e.g. as a project manager in the reform of the Defence Staff and served in an internationally prestigious role of the defense attaché at the Embassy of Finland in London. His most recent position was as a Chief International Branch at the Defence Staff responsible for International Cooperation for the Defense Forces.
Antti has decades of experience in the hotel, restaurant, and tourism industry, ranging from Concierge to CEO positions. He has lived and worked in Germany and Austria as well as in various regions of Finland, including Helsinki and Lapland area. For the past 15 years, he has been an entrepreneur.
Antti has been involved in over 200 recruitment, resource allocation, development, and strategy projects for companies. He established a staffing and recruiting agency in Lapland which now operates across multiple industries and is the region’s leading player.
Antti holds board responsibilities in over ten companies, spanning from Food Tech startups to small and medium-sized tourism businesses. Antti’s motto is: “Selecting key personnel is fundamentally strategic task. So let’s choose a candidate for the role who aligns with our strategy.”
Heini has years of experience in executive search, demanding personal selection, as well as constructing expert organizations and management. She has worked in a variety of international and domestic recruitment management positions, such as CEO, human resources director and sales director, in various companies.
Jyrki has over 30 years of strong sales and management experience, especially from the financial sector.
Tapiola has years of experience in B2B sales and marketing. He has served as sales and marketing manager in Finland’s largest business gift company and has recruited and trained salesmen for more than ten years. In addition, he has consulted and mentored startup companies in their sales efforts.
Terhi is a professional in customer experience and business management and has worked in various management positions in retail, fashion and restaurant industries. The roles have changed from unit manager to CEO, sales and marketing director to development director. Terhi has experience from both an international listed company and a family-run growth company. Terhi’s special skills are closely related to personnel development, coaching and organizational change management.
Pia has extensive experience in sales and marketing. She has worked in the advertising industry for many years in various management positions such as Design Director, Account Manager and CEO. Pia has consulted companies on a wide range of marketing challenges; in both the consumer and b to b industries, in both product and service businesses – as well as private and public sectors. Pia also has expertise and experience in HR, business development and management teamwork.
Atte has worked in various sales and management positions in commercial finance business. He is experienced in starting up and leading sales organizations and implementing change programs. Atte has worked in Nordic management teams and participated in strategy and business planning. He is most experienced in recruiting professionals in management and sales positions. Strongest fields are finance/insurance, sales and services, transport/logistics and construction.
Harri has a good experience in public sector operations, dynamics and needs when seeking experts for highly demanding posts. His skills are based on duties in the Defence Forces in leader and expert roles as well as wide co-operation with government security actors for around 30 years. Harri has also experience in private sector, he has been involved in ICT services outsourcing, development of cyber security and defence against hybrid threads on national level. Harri has been a Finnish liaison for international co-operation in Brussels and in the United States, altogether for 5 years.
Aki has over 30 years of working experience in public sector including several years of international assignments. He is well experienced in various postings, which have taught management and leadership skills. Aki has worked in supporting strategic level planning, decision making and organization development. He has strong understanding of role of skillful and motivated personnel in optimizing the work results while facing new challenges in business environment. Special knowledge of operational environments of defense and security sectors.
Tomi has extensive experience from retail business, where he has been working with market leaders in different kind of leadership roles. His work experience covers leading business units and HR functions. Job titles have varied from a store manager to sales director and head HR. Tomi has carried out and developed different kind training programs to co-workers and leaders. He understands that customer expectations needs to be met – in order to get sales done and most important asset for the company lies in its people.
Martti has worked extensively in sales, exports and marketing, product management and business management positions in manufacturing SMEs, as well as in export trade positions in a listed company in the environmental sector. In his career he has been involved in an entrepreneurial role both in merger and business acquisition processes and in management positions he has developed company’s internationalization and building b2b distribution channels. Martti has experience in building organizations both in Finland and in setting up and starting sales companies abroad. In business management positions, he has worked in SMEs as a member of the board and the management team, and has worked in strategy and business planning.
Mikalla on yli 15 vuoden monipuolinen työkokemus eri toimialojen haastavista johto-, esimies- ja asiantuntijatehtävistä (mm. pankin, marketkaupan, tavaratalo- ja erikoisliikekaupan, liikennemyymälä- ja polttonestekaupan, matkailu- ja ravitsemiskaupan sekä rautakaupan aloilta). Mika on työskennellyt toimitusjohtajana, johtoryhmätasolla sekä keskijohdon- ja päällikkötason tehtävissä. Viimeisimmät tehtävät ovat liittyneet liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen sekä tiedolla johtamiseen. Mika on toiminut mm. talousohjauksen, strategisten investointien ja IT-hankkeiden parissa. Hän on tehnyt pitkäjänteistä yhteistyötä myös listattujen yritysten kanssa sekä toiminut yritysjohdon valmentajana (mm. strateginen talousjohtaminen, johdon ohjausjärjestelmät ja suoritusmittaus). Mikalla on kattava yritysjohdon ja laskentatoimen korkeakoulutus (KTT ja JET).
Hans Adolf has served for over 30 years in the Finnish Defence Forces in various leadership and expert positions as well as in international positions. He has extensive experience and understanding in leadership, public administration and in personnel management and training. His international experience includes working as a defence attaché in Paris and as commander of a crisis management force in Chad. Hans Adolf also has experience in private sector activities and politics. He has served as the CEO of an expert and project management company, as a board member of a defence industry company and as a candidate in the European Parliament elections.
Björn has more than 30 year of leadership experience from the industry, public- and governmental organisations, including a wide and broad network.He has solid knowledge concerning business development, M&A’s and organisational changes.
Björn’s special area of expertise is shipping and autonomous maritime operations.
Yrsa has an extensive background in business where she has worked within sales, marketing, branding, customer service, portfolio management and project management. She has also been responsible for the mentioned departments as manager and has had positions within management teams. Besides that, Yrsa has experience as consultant, business coach and facilitator. She especially knows the world of B2C product manufacturing and retail.
Sarita is growth-oriented and results-oriented sales and marketing professional who has developed profitable business as a partner in various industries. She has diverse work experience in entrepreneurship, supervisory work and project management. Through her duties, she has been a member of the management and development teams of various companies and divisions and has been responsible for the management and recruitment of HR functions. Sarita especially enjoys successful customer encounters and gets fired up by people.
Sarita has strong industry expertise in construction, real estate, media and event industry, as well as cybersecurity.
Pirkko-Liisa has extensive experience in management and development in the municipal sector as well as legislative reforms in public administration. Her areas of expertise include e.g. finance, HR and the development of growth services that support vitality. Pirkko-Liisa’s special skills also include change management and promoting sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of the development of companies’ operational culture and strategic management.
Mikko (MMM, HLJ) is a Senior Headhunter at InHunt Group Oy in Savo and North Karelia. He has extensive experience in leadership, company development and growth, and change management. Mikko has previously held management positions in the feed industry for more than 10 years, in the food industry as CEO for 12 years and in a timber harvesting company as a Business Director. He also has Lean skills and extensive experience in board positions in various companies and advocacy organisations.
Mikki (Mikael) Ivovaara has a long and diverse work experience in the banking and finance industry, consulting and service business, and the media industry. He has worked e.g. in the positions of sales director, marketing director, asset management business director, consultant director, and KAM and stockbroker. All of his roles have involved sales and customer work. Mikki has about 32 years of leadership & management experience.
Mikki returned to InHunt from the position of sales and customer relations director of Eezy Personnel Oy.
The focus of Miki’s work at InHunt is both his own active sales and customer work as well as the implementation of demanding commercial direct search assignments with responsibility for results and sales.
Lauri is InHunt’s Financial Expert. At the beginning of his career, Lauri has worked in various sales and industrial production positions. For the past 15 years, Lauri has worked in the accounting firm industry, e.g. in the roles of accountant, application specialist, project manager and development manager.
Asmo Halinen is an expert in digital business and service development with nearly 30 years of experience in the field. His background includes entrepreneurship as CEO of a digital marketing communications agency, a gaming company, and a consulting firm, as well as leadership roles in digital business within publicly listed and growth companies. Asmo’s extensive experience in leading and strategically developing digital business provides a strong foundation for understanding the requirements and opportunities of recruiting for leadership positions in digitalization.
Tero has had a long career in real estate sector commercial duties including investments, property management and financing. Before joining InHunt Tero worked eg. Real Estate Director for a real estate investment company, Account Director for a real estate advisory company and Country Manager for an international real estate financing company. Tero has also experience in public sector and infrastructure projects.
Melinda has extensive experience working with internationally renowned luxury brands, particularly in the retail and wine & spirits industries, both in Finland and internationally. Her expertise spans brand management, developing sales teams, enhancing client experience and client relationships as well as consulting within people development.
As an expert in the Finnish job market, she has worked as a career and executive coach, helping hundreds of individuals succeed in career transitions. This has given her a deep understanding of aligning organizational needs with individual strengths. Melinda’s key competencies include leading local branches within global corporations, leadership development, human resources, and sales.
Pia has extensive and diverse experience in leadership, personnel development, and strategic operations. She has held demanding leadership positions across various sectors, including social and healthcare services, the food industry, and retail. Her experience spans industry organizations, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, a pharmaceutical company, and consulting services. Her expertise includes recruitment, executive team collaboration, managing organizational changes, and personnel coaching.
Pia has a unique ability to identify development needs within organizations and individuals, finding tailored solutions to address them. She also has a wide network across different industries, and her strategic thinking is complemented by a practical approach. Pia has a strong background in social influence and has served in numerous board roles.
Elina has over 20 years of experience in leadership, stakeholder collaboration, and organizational development across various industries. She has extensive experience in strategic implementation projects and is a results-oriented expert. Elina possesses strong skills in building networks, sales, and marketing. She has in-depth knowledge of both the public and private sectors.
Elina has designed and implemented innovative operating models and transformed organizational cultures, achieving excellent results. She is inspiring, skilled at building productive collaboration, and has successfully developed organizations through diverse partnership projects. She stands out particularly for her ability to motivate people and build strong, lasting partnerships. Elina is passionate about creating success stories where organizations and talent align perfectly.
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InHunt Group was founded in 2008 and is Finland’s largest headhunting company. InHunt Group has eight offices in different locations in Finland. Besides, InHunt Group is the only Finnish headhunting company that has its own International Headhunting Network – InHunt World. InHunt World is active and has partners and offices in over 29 different countries.
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