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Tykistökatu 4 B 5. krs Electrocity
Harri Knaapi, Area Director
+358 45 869 8228
Harri has worked as a full-time Headhunter for several years. He specializes in finding board members, senior management, middle management and experts. He has conducted several executive searches to senior management positions. Harri has over 30 years of solid experience in management, which give him an advantage to have a very broad and diverse network across multiple industries.
Harri has worked in several demanding management positions throughout his career. He has made his own strong contributions to a number of strategically important projects and a number of different management positions. He is and has been a member of the Turku Chamber of Commerce’s Trade Policy Committee for several years. Harri is an Approved Member of the Board and an Approved Chairman of the Board. Throughout his career, he has been responsible for recruiting and profitably running his own business unit / company. Harri’s references include a wide range of different direct searches, silent and public, including very high position searches that also require a secrecy process. There have been searches for e.g. CEO, CFO, CDO, COO, CTO, CMO, R&D Director.
Harri is responsible for all recruitments in areas to Varsinais-Suomi: Aura Kaarina Koski TL Kustavi Kemiö Laitila Lieto Loimaa Parainen Pargas Marttila Masku Mynämäki Naantali Nousiainen Oripää Paimio Pyhäranta Pöytyä Raisio Rusko Salo Sauvo Somero Taivassalo Turku Uusikaupunki Vehmaa Satakunta: Eura Eurajoki Harjavalta Honkajoki Huittinen Jämijärvi Kankaanpää Karvia Kokemäki Merikarvia Nakkila Pomarkku Pori Rauma Siikainen Säkylä Ulvila Åland: Brändö Eckerö Finström Föglö Geta Hammarland Jomala Kumlinge Kökar Lemland Lumparland Maarianhamina Saltvik Sottunga Sund Vårdö Kanta-häme: Forssa Jokioinen
Mikalla on yli 15 vuoden monipuolinen työkokemus eri toimialojen haastavista johto-, esimies- ja asiantuntijatehtävistä (mm. pankin, marketkaupan, tavaratalo- ja erikoisliikekaupan, liikennemyymälä- ja polttonestekaupan, matkailu- ja ravitsemiskaupan sekä rautakaupan aloilta). Mika on työskennellyt toimitusjohtajana, johtoryhmätasolla sekä keskijohdon- ja päällikkötason tehtävissä. Viimeisimmät tehtävät ovat liittyneet liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen sekä tiedolla johtamiseen. Mika on toiminut mm. talousohjauksen, strategisten investointien ja IT-hankkeiden parissa. Hän on tehnyt pitkäjänteistä yhteistyötä myös listattujen yritysten kanssa sekä toiminut yritysjohdon valmentajana (mm. strateginen talousjohtaminen, johdon ohjausjärjestelmät ja suoritusmittaus). Mikalla on kattava yritysjohdon ja laskentatoimen korkeakoulutus (KTT ja JET).
Hans Adolf has served for over 30 years in the Finnish Defence Forces in various leadership and expert positions as well as in international positions. He has extensive experience and understanding in leadership, public administration and in personnel management and training. His international experience includes working as a defence attaché in Paris and as commander of a crisis management force in Chad. Hans Adolf also has experience in private sector activities and politics. He has served as the CEO of an expert and project management company, as a board member of a defence industry company and as a candidate in the European Parliament elections.
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InHunt Group was founded in 2008 and is Finland’s largest headhunting company. InHunt Group has eight offices in different locations in Finland. Besides, InHunt Group is the only Finnish headhunting company that has its own International Headhunting Network – InHunt World. InHunt World is active and has partners and offices in over 29 different countries.
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