Business Development Manager, Defence  

Oulu, Finland and Europe / Koko Suomi

For more information please contact Aki Alho +358 44 235 1029, or Stig Hedberg +358 44 330 3132,

Business Development Manager, are you ready to take KNL out to the world market? Brilliant, keep on reading! 

KNL is a technology company with beyond line-of-sight communication solutions. Our software defined radios adapt to the needs and requirements of modern military and security operations with fast and reliable data links in any operating environment. We operate globally in the field of Defence and Security. Our purpose is to get our customers connected. We are part of Telenor Group – leading telecommunications company across the Nordics and Asia. KNL´s HQ is located in Oulu Finland and our international team of professionals is constantly growing. For more information about us, see 

We are looking for a driven and hungry Business Development Manager to join our Defence team to continue to expand our strong and growing business internationally. This is an exciting opportunity to take our world-class cognitive radio products and ground-breaking technology out to the world.   

Your key tasks: 

  • Identifying commercial opportunities, build the relationships and positioning of KNL in global Defence & Security market 
  • Build global sales channels for KNL communication and connectivity products 
  • Develop partnership strategy based on market analysis and implement as planned
  • Develop sales pipeline and channels, identify business opportunities 
  • Conduct commercial negotiations and conclude contracts 
  • Be out in the field of the defence and security industry (public & privately) 
  • Attend and represent KNL at relevant exhibitions and events 
  • Drive marketing activities together with Marketing and Communications Manager and use marketing as a tool – it’s crucial to let the world know KNL is out there! 

What do we expect from you? 

We’re looking for a business development-oriented talent that has a background from the military and deep understanding of military communications. You’re not afraid of challenges and you’re able to find the relevant partners and markets, as well as deliver results fast.  

Professional background and experience: 

  • Previous experience with a proven track record from Defence and Security business
  • Good understanding of end-user use cases and expectations  
  • Experience working together in co-operation with Defence & Security system integrators 
  • B2B or B2G international business experience, knowledge of the “main players” and contractors within Defence & Security business 
  • Good understanding and existing relations within Defence & Security business 
  • Well-informed about the Defence market, the trends, the competitors, the industry and policy decisions that affect the industry 

Personal characteristics 

  • Results-driven and ambitions with proven capability to deliver business 
  • Systematic and analytical work approach, understanding of commercial processes and techniques 
  • Self-driven and able to find his/her way to organisations to deliver results  
  • Great presence and personality, high energy person
  • Ability to build relationships at high level in defence organisations and military level understanding 
  • Analytical and ability to think strategic, able to build short and long-term strategies and tactics 
  • Excellent communication skills in English. Knowledge of Finnish is of advantage. 
  • A team player that acknowledges company values and complies with the company culture 

Intensive travelling is expected. Due to the nature of our business, the applicant accepts to go through a security clearance. We’re looking for an exceptional talent and awesome team player to join KNL team. Where you work from is not our primary requirement, as long as you’re able to travel where our potential customers are located.   

Our promise to you 

Our employer promise has been formed from our employees’ feedback – in this promise we have crystallized values we genuinely cherish. Providing challenging and interesting work for everyone in KNL team is driving us forwards. KNL encourages to continuous learning, and we want offer work where developing your skills is possible for everyone. We succeed together and develop world-class products that we’re proud of. Working in ethical way is our way of working no matter the situation. We do not tolerate minor compromises on ethics even when trying to achieve important business goals. Getting connected in sustainable way is to get connected long way. We enable flexibility to manage work and private life. We understand that eventually we are all humans with different life situations and backgrounds. 

As Business Development Manager your job description is broad and extremely interesting, and you will have the opportunity to develop and grow with the company. KNL is a combination of agility and deep technical know-how mixed with global strength from Telenor group. On Telenor’s yearly employee engagement survey, we have an excellent score and our employee retention is high. This is a great opportunity for you to be part of growing international business, and to play an important role in our strategy. You will work in close co-operation with our Marketing and Product Management departments and report directly to Head of Defence Business. 

If the position sparks an interest, please send your application and CV as soon as possible as we will start the interviews and selection process immediately.

For more information about the position, please contact InHunt Group Oy’s Aki Alho mob. +358 44 235 1029, or Stig Hedberg mob. +358 44 330 3132,  

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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