Senior Software Engineer

Remotely in Finland (Jyväskylä) / Koko Suomi

Senior Headhunter Marita Vuorinen,, 050 4863848

Firstbeat Analytics is a leading provider of physiological insights for health, fitness, and performance. Today, FirstbeatAnalytics is a Garmin brand, a relationship that dates back over a decade to the early days of heart rate monitoring capable GPS sports watches. Innovative contributions to the wearable industry include Training Status, Training Load, Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Effect feedback, Recovery Time, All-day Stress, Body Battery, and the Sleep Solution. Firstbeat Analytics is headquartered in Jyväskylä, Finland, and employs a multidisciplinary team of software engineers, physiologists, data scientists, and user experience and communication experts.

We are now looking for a

Senior Software Engineer    

The Software team works at the core of Firstbeat Analytics R&D, implementing new features and solutions that Garmin users will know and love. We collaborate closely with the Data Science and other R&D teams, turning physiological research and UX visions into embedded libraries that bring the algorithms to life in software running on wearable devices.

        What we look for in a candidate

  • Proven ability to write embedded C and C++ code for resource-restricted environments
  • Experience in performance optimizations
  • Deep knowledge on computer science fundamentals, algorithms, and data structures
  • Knowledge of modern software development practices such as unit testing and version control

You are a team player with good communication skills in English, and you believe in automated testing for producing high-quality code.

        What we offer

  • Possibility for remote work or working at the office in Jyväskylä, Finland
  • Relaxed team with the opportunity to choose the right tools to get the job done
  • A friendly, flexible, and supportive work environment
  • The opportunity to work at the forefront of physiological modeling and wearable technology in an international company
  • Employment benefits include comprehensive insurance, occupational health care, and extensive exercise benefits

        To apply, please send your application and CV as soon as possible, latest by Feb 17th.

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Commercial Director - CollectiveCrunch
Maajohtaja, Finfact Oy
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