Managing Director

Tampere / Pirkanmaa

Senior Headhunter Peter Koistinen + 358 500 668 633 or Senior Headhunter Ari Rahkonen +358 40 754 3966.

Piceasoft is a leading software provider to expand the lifecycle value of mobile and consumer electronic devices. We are seeking a dynamic and visionary Managing Director to lead our organization to new heights.

Piceasoft creates business opportunities in the circular economy of mobile and consumer electronics and has customers and partners in over 70 countries. Our software enables companies to offer mobile and consumer electronic device trade-in, insurance, repair, and recycling services. We are a high-tech growth company with 50 talented team members and value an open, flexible, and cooperative culture.

As the Managing Director of Piceasoft, you will have the opportunity to shape the future of our company and make a significant impact on the circular economy for consumer electronics. You will be responsible for setting the strategic direction, driving growth, and ensuring operational excellence across all aspects of the business to create a world-class SaaS organization.


  • Provide visionary leadership and define the overall strategic direction of the company.
  • Develop and implement strategies to drive growth, increase market share, and maximize profitability.
  • Build and nurture strong relationships with key stakeholders, including customers, partners, and other stakeholders.
  • Lead and inspire a diverse team of 40+ professionals, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence.
  • Drive product development and innovation to stay ahead of market trends and meet customer needs.
  • Ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness by overseeing key business functions, including finance, sales, marketing, R&D, and operations.
  • Identify new business opportunities and partnerships to expand the company’s reach and market presence.
  • Ensure the company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.


  • Proven experience as a sales management or in a senior leadership role within the technology sector.
  • Strong track record of driving business growth and achieving financial targets in international business.
  • Experience in technology management and financial management in a SaaS company environment.
  • Exceptional leadership skills with the ability to inspire and motivate teams.
  • Strategic thinker with the ability to develop and execute innovative strategies.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset with a passion for innovation and staying ahead of the curve.
  • Master’s degree in computer science, engineering, finance, business administration, or in a related field.

We offer you:

  • Exciting and challenging opportunity to lead a global technology company at the forefront of the software industry.
  • Attractive compensation package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee perks.
  • A collaborative and inclusive work environment that encourages growth, creativity, and teamwork.
  • The chance to work with a talented and diverse team of professionals passionate about technology and innovation.
  • Our values: People are our priority, quality is our commitment, innovation is our driving force, and customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

If you are a visionary leader with a passion for technology and a drive to make a significant impact, we invite you to apply for the CEO position at Piceasoft. Please submit your resume, along with a cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and why you believe you are the ideal candidate for this role.

Speak in absolute confidence about this role please contact Senior Headhunter Peter Koistinen + 358 500 668 633 or Senior Headhunter Ari Rahkonen +358 40 754 3966.

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Uusimmat työpaikat
HR Director
Toimitusjohtaja | Elintarviketuotantoyhtiöön | Lounais-Suomi (Anonyymi)
Kunnanjohtaja - Kommundirektör
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