Chief Commercial Officer

Oulu and Finland / Koko Suomi

Stig Hedberg, +358 44 330 3132,

Company Overview:

Specim and hyperspectral imaging technology has a great impact to the world we live in.

We make our existence more sustainable in the world by increasing the efficient use of our common scarce global resources through spectral imaging, a non-invasive material identification technology. We improve the use of materials, enhance food quality, reduce waste, support health and life of humans and nature, and provide valuable information on our environment, from land to sea.

Job Description:

Specim operates within a dynamic global landscape, with customers spanning the globe. As the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), you will spearhead our sales and marketing endeavors in alignment with our strategic vision. Reporting directly to the CEO and serving as a key member of the Management Team, the CCO holds full responsibility for guiding and coordinating our teams worldwide, including those in the US, China, Germany, and our headquarters in Oulu.


  • Lead and empower our global sales and marketing teams to achieve growth targets through strategic planning, execution, and monitoring of region-specific strategies.
  • Develop and implement comprehensive commercial strategies to achieve revenue targets and drive sustainable growth.
  • Establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate commercial performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Drive marketing efforts to elevate awareness of Specim’s technology, nurture leads, and excel in solution-oriented selling, leveraging both hardware and proprietary software platforms.
  • Identify emerging market trends, competitive threats, and business opportunities to inform strategic decision-making.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including customers, partners, and industry influencers.
  • Evaluate and implement innovative business models and value-added services, leveraging emerging technologies such as AI and deep learning.
  • Cultivate a culture of excellence and collaboration within multicultural teams, emphasizing people management and cultural sensitivity.
  • Drive innovation and product development initiatives to enhance our competitive position and meet evolving customer needs.
  • Responsible for the continuous development and implementation of global commercial processes


  • Proven track record of at least 5 years in a senior leadership role within a commercial organization, and solid background in sales management.
  • Relevant technical or business degree
  • Demonstrated success in driving revenue growth and achieving business objectives in a competitive market environment.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to translate data insights into actionable strategies.
  • Exceptional interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills.
  • Ability to inspire and motivate teams to deliver exceptional results in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.
  • Ability to create a good working environment that is inspiring, supportive, and enabling success.
  • Strategic thinker with a customer-centric mindset and a passion for innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Proficiency in CRM and a systematic approach to sales management.
  • Deep understanding of B2B and B2G environments.
  • Passion for high-tech innovations and industry trends.
  • Willingness to travel internationally (25%-50% of the time).

Join an innovative, global, and growth-oriented organization that is a world leader in its field. A company that operates in a global, dynamic, and multicultural environment, and whose products are acknowledged Finnish high-end technology. You will have a responsible, broad, and meaningful role in sustainable business – a role that has an important impact on both our society and our environment. As the CCO and member of the management team, you will be able to contribute to the development and success of the company’s overall strategy and vision.

If you recognize yourself in this description, please apply for the position by submitting your CV and application with salary request via the link below.

For more information about the position, please contact InHunt Group Oy’s Executive Headhunter, Area Director Stig Hedberg +358 44 330 3132,

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HR Director
Toimitusjohtaja | Elintarviketuotantoyhtiöön | Lounais-Suomi (Anonyymi)
Kunnanjohtaja - Kommundirektör
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C (Forte)
    01510 Vantaa