Commercial Director – CollectiveCrunch

Remote / Suomi / Sweden

For more information, contact InHunt Group Oy’s Senior Headhunters Tomi Hilvo at +358 40 560 6869 and Martti Mäyry at +358 400 239 245. 

About Us 

CollectiveCrunch (CC) collects remote sensing and ground data from all sources such as satellites, LiDAR flights and harvesters. We crunch that data with our AI technology to make sense of it all. We detect damages due to forest parasites (bark beetle) and storms and find high biodiversity spots, therefore improving forest ecosystems. We also provide forest inventories and proposals for operations in the forest and count the carbon storage in the forests. When it comes to forests, we are the true heroes! 

We are a leader in the Nordics in helping forest owners to take care of their natural assets with our B2B SaaS -offering, whilst helping them to save costs. We revolutionize a slow-moving and old-fashioned industry using state-of-the-art technology. We have developed our technology and AI models for 7 years with world leading forestry players such as Metsähallitus, Metsä Group, StoraEnso and ENCE. 

We are a team of technologists and data scientists and have the backing of VCs, industry veterans and serial entrepreneurs. If you want to make a dent in the universe by doing something meaningful, this is your opportunity! 


We are seeking a Commercial Director with top-tier sales and go-to-market expertise to take our company’s growth to the next level. 

About You: You are a versatile, sales-loving go-to-market professional with an ambitious vision for commercializing cutting-edge technology into rapid international growth. You excel at strategy and planning, but your passion lies in customers, selling, and winning as a team. You have robust experience working in start-ups, enjoying the diverse range of tasks. 

Your Responsibilities

  • Lead sales and marketing efforts to boost results and commercial efficiency. 
  • Actively participate in consultative sales and manage high-level customer relationships. 
  • Lead by example and enhance after-sales activities. 
  • Draft and manage complex contracts. 
  • Drive performance and content marketing with proper metrics. 
  • Develop go-to-market strategies, marketing materials, and commercial activities. 
  • Improve sales and marketing tools. 

Our Expectations

  • Strong results in previous sales roles with concrete achievements. 
  • Comprehensive understanding of modern marketing and sales tools. 
  • Experience and results within performance marketing supporting sales growth 
  • Customer-focused mindset and excellent communication skills. 
  • Data-driven leadership approach. 
  • Genuine desire to work in sustainable forestry, helping clients optimize their natural assets for the future. 
  • Either a solid understanding of sustainable forestry or a willingness to quickly learn. 
  • High level of fluency in doing business and selling in English, speaking Swedish is a benefit 

Interested? Apply by Friday, August 11, 2024, via the link below. Include your CV and salary expectations. Applications are processed as they come in, so act quickly. For more information, contact InHunt Group Oy’s Senior Headhunters Tomi Hilvo at +358 40 560 6869 and Martti Mäyry at +358 400 239 245. 

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa