Sourcing Analyst

Rovaniemi tai Helsinki / Lappi / Uusimaa

Regional Director and Senior Headhunter Stig Hedberg, 044 330 3132,
Senior Headhunter Arto Lehtimäki, 040 844 2528,

At Lappset, we create experiences of play and exercise for all ages. By creating fun, inspiring and positively surprising environments, we help people to strengthen their heartbeat. Our company is headquartered in Rovaniemi – in total, we have more than 400 Lappset employees in nine subsidiaries and eight countries around the world. Our turnover is 62 M€. At Lappset, it is good to work, grow and develop, together. We promote equality and non-discrimination, and the well-being of our personnel is at the core of our culture. Read more on our website:

We are looking for a data expert for our Group Sourcing team in Rovaniemi or Helsinki.

Are you a sourcing professional interested in sourcing and data analysis, business processes and information systems who wants to work in our international sourcing team?  We are now looking for an expert to join our skilled team of professionals. The selected person will, in cooperation with a global procurement organization and other internal stakeholdes, produce analytics and conclusions of systematically collected data to support procurement decisions. This also includes enriching data sources for best possible realtime analytics across all group spend.  Further development of procurement processes is also part of the selected person’s job description.

In this role, you will monitor the changes in our business around the world, sort and prioritize data depending on possible impact on Lappset and on Lappset competitors. Work is done with suppliers, in cooperation with partners as well as other functions within our organization.  You will work closely with Lappset’s various functions, ensuring the continuous development of the quality of the company’s procurement. Work in our sourcing team is varied, and the tasks are interesting and diverse. The position is permanent.

In the role of Sourcing Analyst:

  • Analyze and improve spend data management for key business categories.
  • You are responsible for the planning and implementation of the digitalization journey of the procurement function.
  • You carry out opportunity and risk assessments of the supply market situation that support the acquisitions.
  • You participate in hitting of the sustainability targets across all group spend categories
  • You maintain the contract base and participate in the preparation of contracts and service levels (SLAs).
  • You generate expense budget information that is required for the Capex process.
  • You support Lappset’s procurement activities throughout the supply chain.
  • Support procurement team members with expense information, reporting, and e-sourcing events, as well as quotation and risk analysis.
  • You are the administrator and expert and trainer of BI tools in the company.

To succeed in the task, you need:

  • Previous experience in sourcing and procurement processes, data analytics and systems (e-sourcing, category sourcing, ERP, etc.).
  • The ability to present information based on financial data in an understandable way, so that the information can be used to support decision-making, orally and in writing & presentation mode
  • Good understanding of the possibilities of analytics and knowledge of BI tools.
  • Interest in the development and maintenance of processes, systems and tools.
  • Hands on approach and participation throughout the company’s supply chain in the development of work.
  • The readiness to travel in Finland and abroad about 20-50 days / year.
  • Languages: oral and written fluent in English and at least reasonable Finnish.
  • Appropriate education, e.g., master’s degree.

In addition to the above, the following will support your success in the job:

  • Procurement experience in an international working environment.
  • Data analytics experience in multiple industries.
  • Interest in utilizing knowledge-based management and digital opportunities.
  • The desire for continuous development.

What does the task offer you?
You will get a meaningful permanent position in an internationally operating, award-winning, recognized, and respected family business. Your “can do approach” will make a difference. We work to make the world a better place for everyone, whether it’s inspiring yards, amazing playgrounds, outdoor sports facilities that bring joy and well-being to exercise, city meeting places that offer an urban heartbeat, or sports and fitness venues that take into account the needs of older people. We help people stay active today and feel better tomorrow. You get to influence and be part in a good and professional team and you will have opportunities to give your own important contribution, which is needed and valued. We have a hybrid work model at use, so it is possible to work partly remotely. We support our personnel in developing their competencies.

Ask for more information and apply for a position

For more information about the position, please contact InHunt Group Oy’s Regional Director and Senior Headhunter Stig Hedberg, 044 330 3132, and Senior Headhunter Arto Lehtimäki, 040 844 2528,

If you are interested in our position: submit your application, CV and salary request as soon as possible via the Apply for a position link below.

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Uusimmat työpaikat
HR Director
Toimitusjohtaja | Elintarviketuotantoyhtiöön | Lounais-Suomi (Anonyymi)
Kunnanjohtaja - Kommundirektör
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C (Forte)
    01510 Vantaa