Commercial Director, BioEnergo Oy

Helsinki / Pirkanmaa / Satakunta / Uusimaa / Varsinais-Suomi

Senior Headhunter Harri Knaapi p. 045 869 8228
Senior Headhunter Petri Peltoniemi p. 0500-840 912

BioEnergo is planning the Finlands first industrial-scale bioconversion plant in Pori, which will produce advanced traffic biofuels and high-value-added bioproducts using sawdust as a raw material. Target is to become the leading producer in bioconversion in Finland. BioEnergo has clear ambitions in expanding the operations to other European countries after the first plant is completed in Finland. The head office is located in Helsinki. Once the production in Pori starts BioEnergo’s target turnover is 150 Million euros from the day one. BioEnergo One will significantly increase domestic biofuel production and the self- sufficiency of transport energy sources. Its second-generation biofuels achieve an emission reduction of about 0.12 MtCO2 and the use of bio lignin in asphalt production as much as about 0.23 MtCO2. All by- products of the production process; biogas, carbon dioxide, digestate and turpentine, are recovered and recycled for reuse.

Are you interested in working in an industry and a company that will have huge positive impact on the environment and society as a whole? Do you wish to have likeminded colleagues with big aspirations of growing the business locally and internationally? Should you have the experience and courage to open any doors and meet up with directors of big companies and be familiar with negotiations resulting in contracts worth millions of euros, then you could be our new 

Commercial Director, Finland 

In the position your task is to lead and grow BioEnergos Commercial operations and secure further financing for our growth. 

You will have wide P/L responsibility of the company including sales, procurement and logistics. Hence we are looking for a person with proven business acumen and high motivation towards long-term and large contract negotiations. International experience is also valued as we will export about half of our production. 

List of duties we expect for you to take care of: 

  • Secure new agreements and sales and customer segments involved with external stakeholders 
  • Promote a strong sales culture in the company 
  • Be actively involved with external stakeholders 
  • Optimize long term growth and development 
  • Actively lead and follow-up everyday business 
  • Report results and possible deviations 
  • Make improvements and execute on the business plan in line with strategic direction 
  • Benchmark and use best practice procedures 
  • Develop and recruit staff. 

Qualifications & Experience that we expect of you: 

  • Good understanding of the chemical industry / energy industry 
  • Previous industrial experience, preferably international assignments 
  • Previous experience in a management position in a large, multinational company 
  • Documented business results and excellent negotiation skills 
  • P&L responsibility experience 
  • Applicable education; MSc. degree in Economics / Engineering, (diploma in chemical engineering preferred) 

Personal Characteristics that will enhance your success: 

  • Skilled and experienced negotiator 
  • Extrovert and with a clear commercial focus 
  • Ability to provide commercial, procurement and logistics solutions 
  • Positive and proactive leadership style 
  • Clear judgement and integrity, honest and frank 
  • Ability to act independently with promptness and in line with the overall strategy 
  • Has good structure, pays attention to details with ability to prioritize 
  • Shares and receives knowledge and experience with colleagues 


Helsinki and/or the factory at Pori. 

  • The position requires travelling within Finland and Europe 

Reporting lines 

  • Reports to Managing Director 
  • Part of: Management team BioEnergo Oy 

More information 

You may acquire more information from executive headhunters Petri Peltoniemi p. +358 500 840 912 and Harri Knaapi +358 45 869 8228. 

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