Commercial Director

Vantaa / Uusimaa

For more information, please contact Senior Headhunter Martti Mäyry +358 400 239 245 or Senior Headhunter Ari Rahkonen +358 40 754 3966.

ABAX is one of the largest IoT companies with solutions for mileage claim, tool tracking, and equipment control with over 500.000 tracked units all over the world. In 2020 ABAX started a journey expanding into developing mobility data solutions entering new verticals like insurance and leasing, being the preferred data provider for the B2B industry in a wider scale.

We are now looking for a


to develop our business in Finnish market.

We can we offer you?
We are a fast-growing and dynamic company with engaged and dedicated colleagues from all over the world. At ABAX, no two days are alike, and we offer a varied role with a lot of responsibility. We take pride in that ABAX workplaces are pleasant and designed for personal advancement and fulfillment. We do our utmost to facilitate employee satisfaction — at work and in their free time. ABAX has full ownership of all our technology areas and all development (Hardware, Software and Firmware) is done inhouse. This makes ABAX a unique, exciting and challenging place to work.

About the role
As a Commercial Director, you will be delivering predictable ARR/MRR growth in Finland by building and operating a high-performing sales organization. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Lead the Market Sales Organization selling multiple SaaS point solutions and multi-product package (ABAX Smart Mobility platform) for SME`s and Key Account Segments
  • Execute sales planning, budgeting, forecasting, sales reporting and corrective actions
  • Provide weekly and monthly reporting and forecasting to ABAX commercial leadership and ABAX management
  • Execute business development plans and initiatives in Finland as part of the overall ABAX Smart Mobility Product Strategy with clear KPIs, SLAs and other objectives
  • Act as a spokesperson for ABAX and the Smart Mobility Strategy and Storyline in Finland
  • Plan, develop and build stakeholder relationships and network for ABAX in Insurance and Leasing industries

You will work in close collaboration with other Commercial Directors across our other markets in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland and ABAX colleagues at all levels. It is important that you are good at collaborating cross-functionally and have the credibility to influence decision makers at all levels. You will report directly to group Head of Sales.

Profile and Qualifications
The successful candidate has a university degree and at least 5 years of experience operating in a complex SaaS, sales-driven technology company.

  • Seasoned people leader, having managed a team of 10+, with a developed sense of what drives daily sales performance, strong team alignment and culture
  • Mix of 5-20MEUR+ ARR SaaS company experience (operating at scale) and small ARR company (non-organized execution) experiences
  • Track record of creating and delivering go-to-market sales strategies in B2B SaaS or data&analytics into the appropriate mix of sales tactics that are measurable, sustainable, and drive a high-performing team
  • Direct leadership or close familiarity with different aspects of (SME and KA) pipeline generation: demand generation, digital marketing, integrated campaigns, field marketing & events, account-based marketing strategy, and sales development teams
  • Ability to think and act strategically, but capable of adapting a hands-on approach when required
  • Proven track record for being detail-oriented with a demonstrated ability to self-motivate and follow-through
  • Problem-solving skills in order to identify problems, evaluate options and execute solutions
  • Ability to establish relationships with key senior collaborators in the company, including sales, tech, finance and marketing
  • Creative thinking skills, and excellent communication skills
  • Experience from Fintech or Insurance industry is considered as an advantage
  • Bachelor’s degree required; MBA preferred

To thrive at ABAX, we believe that you are a team player with a curious, open and business oriented mindset, while at the same time having strong analytical skills. We believe that you are detail oriented and have the ability to prioritize your work. Furthermore, you are excellent in finding answers and solving problems with a pragmatic approach, giving tangible and to-the-point advise to the organization.

For more information, please contact Senior Headhunter Martti Mäyry +358 400 239 245 or Senior Headhunter Ari Rahkonen +358 40 754 3966. Please submit your application and CV with salary request via the link below as soon as possible or not later than 10th of February 2023. We will start interviews already during the application period.

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Uusimmat työpaikat
Commercial Director - CollectiveCrunch
Maajohtaja, Finfact Oy
Resort General Manager
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C (Forte)
    01510 Vantaa