Country Retail Manager

Helsinki area / Uusimaa

Senior Headhunter Terhi Ahokas +358 50 388 9600 or Senior Headhunter, Casimir Tallqvist, +358 40 5557790

Are you an experienced and energetic fashion retailer who is driven by growth and results? Do you have what it takes to set your mark on one of Europe’s leading denim brands´ retail business? Then we have a challenge for you. 

JACK&JONES is looking for a Country Retail Manager to be the driving force in ensuring performance across our 28 own retail stores in Finland and taking JACK&JONES’s retail business to the next level. 


At JACK&JONES Retail, Finland we are a strong operational team consisting of area management, area visual merchandisers, store management as well as our buying function that works with a multi-category and multi-lifecycle product experience. 

JACK&JONES is on an amazing journey as a brand – and as a business. We are fully committed to turn our customers into our fans – a journey that requires a strong leader to pave the way and taking retail to a new level. This is where you come into the picture! 


As Country Retail Manager you hold full P&L accountability for our 28 JACK&JONES owned retail stores in Finland – ensuring revenue growth and a profitable operation. 

More specifically, your areas of responsibility include: 

  • Securing a high level of visual merchandising – pushing the bar and looking at what is trending 
  • Increase sales performance through number crushing and data insights 
  • Actively participating in the buying process along with monitoring product performance and ensuring cohesive retail offerings 
  • Ensuring further growth of online sales through our stores, building an exciting local Social Media strategy and taking us to a new level of local live streaming 
  • Motivating and inspiring your team to follow your lead 
  • Driving the retail expansion and refurbishment plans in line with country and global strategy 
  • Securing a cohesive consumer experience across the channels by closely collaborating with our retail partners regarding activity plans, seasonal focus etc. – always taking #customerfirst approach  


  • Freedom to act and take chances 
  • Set your mark on the JACK&JONES brand and our Retail business’ turnaround 
  • Harvest the low hanging fruits that lies within online sales from our stores and has your name on it 
  • Collaborate and continuously develop a high performing team 


We imagine that you bring a bag of documented positive commercial results from a large business environment or international brand. You are a determined person who lives and breathes the JACK&JONES brand; challenges status quo and have the courage to take chances. A winner attitude, is a winner value to us, but we also expect you to bring:  

  • A commercially founded educational background combined with solid retail experience from a similar position 
  • Data driven mindset and proficiency within budgeting, strategic planning, retail operations, merchandise management/trading, campaign management, space planning and sales management 
  • Good ability to work at both strategic and operational levels 
  • Excellent communication and interaction skills. 
  • Demonstrated ability to lead, manage and motivate high performing teams 
  • Experience working in a matrix organization 
  • Fluency in Finnish and English, both written and spoken  


Please contact Senior Headhunter Terhi Ahokas +358 50 388 9600 or Senior Headhunter, Casimir Tallqvist, +358 40 5557790, if You need to know more, before sending your application and CV via the link as soon as possible and no later than Friday 26.4.2024. We process applications on an ongoing basis and reserve the right to take down the ad, when we find the right candidate. 

Work location: Our HQ is located in Espoo, Finland. We are happy however to welcome you from any place in Finland as your job will mainly be performed remotely and from our stores. 


JACK & JONES is high-quality fashion for young men. Founded in 1990, JACK & JONES is now the largest business unit within BESTSELLER and is, with its 1000+ stores, the biggest menswear retailer in Europe. With jeans as the core business, JACK & JONES enriches the heritage of authentic jeanswear by respecting history and focusing on innovative treatments and designs. 

JACK & JONES covers the many facets of a young man’s wardrobe. From his playful youth to his need for timeless classics, the brand brings in a world of brotherhood, fun, and good vibes in all its designs. And since 2017, JACK & JONES has expanded its brand portfolio with JACK & JONES PLUS, JACK & JONES JUNIOR, and JJXX.    

JACK & JONES is part of the worldwide fashion company BESTSELLER. For more information, please go to  or 

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C
    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa