Customer Maintenance Manager 

/ Suomi / Ulkomaat

InHunt Group Senior headhunters
Peter Koistinen +358 500 668 633 and
Timo Viljakainen +358 40 503 5554

Do you want to work in an international environment? Do you want to be part of a group that is the world market leader in LVL, plywood and veneer equipment and services?

We Rauteans are ambitious, innovative, and actively share information and know-how with each other. We achieve our goals together in close cooperation with our customers and other stakeholders.

We are currently looking for a professional

Customer Maintenance Manager 

to join our global Services team.

Your main responsibilities as Service project manager and maintenance engineer:

  • Plan and follow-up the schedule of service projects and maintenance projects and follow-up the tasks required to succeed  
  • Analytics and reporting on the current reliability and maintainability of the customers’ production machinery  
  • Provides technical support to production, maintenance management and technical personnel. 
  • Communicate with other teams to find and allocate required resources to the projects. 
  • Define, design, develop, monitor and refining of Asset Maintenance Plans, including: 
    • Value-added preventive maintenance tasks 
    • Predictive and other testing methodologies to identify and isolate reliability problems
  • Develop engineering proposals to repetitive failures and other problems that affect plant operations.  
  • Good understanding and capability to perform:  
    • Data analytics 
    • Root-cause Analysis (RCA) 
    • Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis
  • Create and manage the project budget 
  • Report the project status to management and steering group 

To be successful in this position, you have:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree or equivalent trade experience in Industrial Machinery 
  • Mandatory +5 year experience in asset maintenance strategies, including preventive and predictive maintenance methodologies 
  • Proficiency in data analytics tools and techniques, with the ability to derive actionable insights
  • Possible experience in maintenance audits and maintenance strategic development
  • Fluency in English is a fundamental requirement. 

You will work in close collaboration with the global service team, engineering team, product managers and technology managers. Your focus will be on planning, executing, and managing service projects aimed at optimizing line performance and support processes improvements. You will build and maintain strong relationships with customers production, maintenance and technical personnel and follow up on customer satisfaction.

We offer you interesting and challenging responsibilities in a truly international environment. In your role, you can utilize your ability to be self-steering and take initiative.

You will report to the Business Line Manager – Expert Services.

Ideally you will reside in Finland, Estonia, Latvia or Poland.

Please send your application and resume, including your salary request, at the latest on 4th of August 2024 via the link below.

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HR Director
Toimitusjohtaja | Elintarviketuotantoyhtiöön | Lounais-Suomi (Anonyymi)
Kunnanjohtaja - Kommundirektör
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    01510 Vantaa