Export Manager

Finland or Western Europe / Suomi

Raimo Kielinen, tel. +358 400 660 746, raimo.kielinen@inhunt.fi or Marita Vuorinen, tel. +358 50 486 3848, marita.vuorinen@inhunt.fi 

Best-Hall was founded in 1975. To date, we have already delivered more than 5,500 buildings in Finland and abroad. Initially, we only delivered buildings with fabric covers, but in 2010, we expanded our expertise to include steel-framed buildings. Thus, our operations consist of three distinct business areas: fabric-covered buildings, traditional buildings and maintenance services. Our yearly turnover is about 50 meur and we employ about 140 people.  
In addition to our headquarters in Kälviä in Central Ostrobothnia, our company has a branch office in Porvoo, where the management of our traditional building unit is performed. 
In 1997, Best-Hall Oy became part of the Wiklöf Group, the most important principle of which is to keep jobs in Finland and export products using its own expertise. 

The strategic focus of the export is in Europe, where we have sales representative in 10 countries and halls have been built in about 60 countries. Important markets include for example France, the Benelux countries, Norway, Austria and the British Isles.There is also potential in Ukraine in the future.  

See more: besthall.com  

We are looking for a new Export Manager to take over the lead of export sales from our Sales Director 

Our sales director has been managing export sales and as he is planning to retire, we are now looking for a new Export Manager. 

The Export Manager is responsible for maintaining existing markets and actively seeking new markets in Europe. He/she will develop and build the sales network and engage with potential customers. The role involves coordinating all export activities across different countries and managing the entire export trade. 

To be successful in the role, we expect the following things: 

  • Experience in export trade 
  • Understanding of the construction industry, project operations, production processes, and supply chain 
  • Market knowledge of different countries’ legislation and permit practices in Western Europe 
  • Results-oriented with a focus on business development 
  • Language skills: Finnish and English, French is an advantage 

What we offer to support your success: 

  • Support from a sales team of eight people 
  • Support from the Back Office team, including e.g. quotation calculations 
  • A skilled in-house design team familiar with European standards 
  • Support from the After Sales and Maintenance team 
  • Professional project management and Installation team 
  • Working culture with cohesive work community, flat organization, long-term careers, minimal bureaucracy and agile decision making  
  • An independent way of working and operational freedom  

The Export Manager can reside anywhere, as long as he/she can occasionally visit the factory in Kälviä. Initially, it is beneficial to spend more time at the factory to learn about the products and production process. 

Did you get interested? 

We would like to hear from you! Send your job application with salary request as soon as possible, latest 9th February. We will start the interviews already at the end of January. 

For more information please contact Senior Headhunters Raimo Kielinen, tel. +358 400 660 746, raimo.kielinen@inhunt.fi or Marita Vuorinen, tel. +358 50 486 3848, marita.vuorinen@inhunt.fi 

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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