Lease Finance Advisor

Helsinki / Uusimaa

Lisätietoja tehtävästä antavat InHunt Groupin Senior Headhunterit Tuuli Paasilehto 040 631 8777 ja Petri Peltoniemi 0500 840 912

Qicraft/Technogym Finland is the leading provider of professional exercise equipment and wellness solutions in the Nordic region. As the exclusive distributor of Technogym – a global brand celebrated for its high-quality, Italian design and innovative products – we empower our clients to achieve excellence in training, wellness, and business through strong, long-term partnerships. Qicraft Finland is part of the Qicraft Group, operating across Sweden, Norway, and Estonia. Through our subsidiary, Qicraft Finance, we provide comprehensive financial solutions, including a broad range of financial and operational leasing agreements.

Are you driven by Performance, Attitude, Responsibility, and Team Spirit? If these values resonate with you, you might be the next valuable addition to Qicraft Finance as a:


Join us in helping clients reach their financial goals and achieve outstanding business outcomes.

Your Role and Responsibilities

As a Lease Finance Advisor with Qicraft Finance, you’ll play an active role in client meetings, designing tailored financial solutions, and working closely with our sales team to drive business growth and build lasting client relationships. Your portfolio will include clients from the fitness industry, hospitality, healthcare, corporate sectors, and public institutions.

In this role, you will:

  • Proactively support clients and the sales team in creating and capitalizing on business opportunities.
  • Collaborate with our in-house finance experts to add depth to our services and guide our team in understanding finance fundamentals.
  • Educate and mentor our staff on financial solutions, enhancing the entire team’s expertise.
  • Oversee funders and credit applications, and manage customer contracts from creation to completion.
  • Travel across Finland as needed to maintain client relationships and pursue new business opportunities.

What We Offer

As part of our team, you’ll work with Europe’s most innovative fitness equipment brand – Technogym – and enjoy a role filled with responsibility and impact. We support your growth and development with opportunities to network with finance specialists across the Nordic region and wellness industry professionals. Your role will be dynamic and impactful in a company that values ambition and a long-term perspective.

Our team environment is social, supportive, and structured, with great colleagues, efficient systems, and clear processes. We believe in the value of in-office collaboration and flexibility, allowing you to shape your workday. Every Friday morning, you’ll have the chance to join our team workout session to stay in shape and get a firsthand feel for the latest innovations in fitness. Our compensation is competitive, reflecting our appreciation for your skills and commitment.

What You Bring

To excel in this role, you’ll need:

  • Proven experience in financing/leasing and a solid understanding of finance and accounting.
  • Strong sales skills and experience in the small and medium-sized business market.
  • A proactive, service-minded, and organized approach, with the ability to work independently.
  • A positive attitude and a passion for client service.
  • Preferably, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
  • Proficiency in both English and Finnish.

Ready to Make an Impact?

If you’re ready to make a meaningful difference in the wellness industry, we want to hear from you! Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications. Our recruitment process is already underway, so apply today.

Haku työpaikkaan on päättynyt. Hakemuksia ei voi enää jättää. Kiitos mielenkiinnostasi!

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Viestintä- ja markkinointijohtaja, Työtehoseura ry
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Suomen metsäyhdistyksen ajatuksia InHunt Groupin kanssa tehdystä rekrytoinnista.
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Suomen Metsäyhdistys tarvitsi asiantuntijan nopealla aikataululla, ratkaisu löytyi InHunt Groupin suorahaun ja avoimen haun yhdistelmästä.
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C
    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa