Head of Business Segment, Pulp, Paper and Board Industry

Kotka / Kymenlaakso

Timo Viljakainen +358 40 503 5554 | timo.viljakainen@inhunt.fi or Jarkko Huotari +358 40 355 8677 | jarkko.huotari@inhunt.fi

Head Business Segment, Pulp, Paper and Board Industry

As a Head of Business Segment, you will lead the enthusiastic business segment team at Sulzer Pumps Finland. The team has a strategic role, and it focuses on market research, following up and identifying new technologies as well as creating new business opportunities and partnerships.

The team works closely with front end sales, market support and R&D to improve the organization’s process knowledge and to provide application support. One of the main responsibilities of the team is to open new business opportunities by participating in joint research and development projects with our key customers and research partners. This way we can ensure a leading position in the fast-developing industry including new biobased processes from the very beginning.

We offer you interesting tasks in a multi-cultural environment. You will have the opportunity to apply your business experience, be part of a global organization and influence the business performance of Sulzer.

Your main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Lead the team of process and markets specialist.
  • Monitor and analyze development of the relevant customer markets and development of process technologies/applications and provide information for the Business Unit and Sales management to push the business to grow.
  • Develop key customer relationships together with your team and sales management.
  • Follow and analyze competition and participate in joint technical research and development programs with key customers and research partners to ensure technical leadership. 
  • Define segment related product development needs and participate in product development / launch programs. 
  • Support in defining and preparing the strategy and road map for the market approach and participate in the development of long-term business planning.

We are looking for you ─ a self-initiated and active person with a suitable technical education (MSc, BSc).

What you bring to Sulzer:

  • Experience and knowledge related to relevant customer processes and applications.
  • Applicable experience in the areas of R&D, product management, process/applications design, sales, innovations, or business development.
  • Good marketing and leadership skills and capability to work in a global team. You also have excellent networking skills and a hands-on approach and attitude. You have plenty of fresh ideas and are willing to share your inventions and to learn new ways of improving our business.

If you feel the position is yours, please send your CV and application via the Apply for a position link below.

For more information about the position, please contact InHunt Group Oy’s Timo Viljakainen +358 40 503 5554 | timo.viljakainen@inhunt.fi or Jarkko Huotari +358 40 355 8677

Sulzer is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in the strength of a diverse workforce and are committed to offering an inclusive work environment.

At Sulzer, you are empowered to deliver superior results. As a pioneer in industry we have a proud heritage of innovation and continue to evolve for the future. Join our story and create your own impact by developing your expertise and building solutions that help make our lives safer, smarter and more sustainable

About us
Sulzer is a global leader in fluid engineering. We specialize in pumping, agitation, mixing, separation and application technologies for fluids of all types. Our customers benefit from our commitment to innovation, performance and quality and from our responsive network of 180 world-class production facilities and service centers across the globe. Sulzer has been headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland, since 1834. In 2022, our 13’800 employees delivered revenues of CHF 3.2 billion. Our shares are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: SUN). www.sulzer.com

Join our story
At Sulzer, you are empowered to deliver superior results. As a pioneer in industry we have a proud heritage of innovation and continue to evolve for the future. Join our story and create your own impact by developing your expertise and building solutions that help make our lives safer, smarter and more sustainable.

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C (Forte)
    01510 Vantaa