Purchasing Manager

SSP Finland Oy
Helsinki-Vantaa / Uusimaa

For more information, please contact the Inhunt Group’s Senior Headhunters Jan-Erik Lagerström (040 539 4339) or Heini Savio (050 322 3283)

We provide our customers with memorable food and drinking experiences in a travel environment every day 24 hours a day. Our activities include cafes, restaurants, bars, pubs, kiosks, and lounges that we operate with the help of our 300 SSP fellow workers in Finland.

We operate at Helsinki-Vantaa, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Tampere and Turku Airports and in Helsinki.  In the Baltics we operate at Tallinn and Vilnius airports. We are known for our multi-brand strategy, and we operate brands like Starbucks, O´Learys, Jamie’s Deli, Fafa’s, Robert’s Coffee, Bastard Burgers, WHSmith and in addition we operate our own, curated brands.

We are part of the international SSP Group, a leading food and beverage service operator at travel and traffic places around the world. The SSP operates in 37 countries, mainly at airports and train stations, and has more than 43,000 employees.

Are you ready to make a real impact? At SSP, we’re all about delivering exceptional food and service across the globe. Right now, we’re looking for an experienced Purchasing Manager to join our Finnish team. In your role you will be a member of our management team as well as supporting our operations in the Baltics.

What You’ll Be Doing

This isn’t just any procurement role—it’s your chance to shape how we work and make a real difference. You’ll be driving key initiatives, like reducing costs through smart negotiations, make the life of our operational team as easy as possible, streamlining our purchasing processes and how to get the best out of our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system. You should help us take our procurement strategies to the next level.

You’ll maintain relationships with our key suppliers and build relationships with new suppliers, ensuring we get the best deals while maintaining high standards. Sustainability is a big focus for us, and you’ll help advance our green goals. From improving KPIs like gross profit and lead times to collaborating with teams across the business, your work will make a big impact.

Who We’re Looking For

We’re after someone with solid experience in purchasing preferably in F&B, FMCG or retail who is self-driven and knows how to get results. You’re a natural leader with strong negotiation skills and ambition in optimizing processes.

SAP S4/Hana or SAP R3/Hana experience is a benefit, and we’re looking for someone who’s comfortable working in English and managing relationships across a matrix organization. If you’ve got experience leading a team, driving efficiency, and improving data quality, we’d love to hear from you!

Why You’ll Love Working With Us

At SSP, we pride ourselves on being a global company with a local heart. Our culture is all about teamwork, bold thinking, and celebrating successes together. You’ll enjoy flexibility with your work, opportunities to grow your career, and the chance to make a real impact in a dynamic, fun and international team.

Ready to take on the challenge?
If you’re passionate about procurement and want to be part of a team that values creativity, results, and collaboration, we’d love to hear from you.

Apply for the role by 9.2.2025! The selected person will be subjected to a safety report before the employment relationship begins. SSP Finland & Baltics is a non-smoking employer.

For more information, please contact the Inhunt Group’s Senior Headhunters Jan-Erik Lagerström (040 539 4339) or Heini Savio (050 322 3283)

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Suomen metsäyhdistyksen ajatuksia InHunt Groupin kanssa tehdystä rekrytoinnista.
Vauhdikas rekrytointi toi tulosta
Suomen Metsäyhdistys tarvitsi asiantuntijan nopealla aikataululla, ratkaisu löytyi InHunt Groupin suorahaun ja avoimen haun yhdistelmästä.
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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C
    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa