Customer Success Manager

Espoo / Koko Suomi

At Safegrid, we’re passionate about modernizing and improving power grids with cutting-edge technology. We have currently about 70 customers globally and  delivering exceptional customer experience to our growing customer base is at the core of our success. Right now, we’re looking for an energized and customer value driven Customer Success Manager. If you’re a power grid professional who thrives on building relationships, loves helping customers succeed, and has a knack for sales, this might be the perfect role for you!

What You’ll Be Doing:

  • Work with our sales team to spot opportunities for growth and help our customers get the most out of Safegrid’s offerings.
  • Be the go-to guide for new customers, ensuring they have a smooth start and feel supported every step of the way.
  • Create long-lasting connections with customers, helping them grow with Safegrid and stay engaged with our services.
  • Share your knowledge of power grid technology, and influence Safegrid’s product and process development to enhance customer experience.
  • Provide first-level support, run product trainings, and contribute to content like case studies and instructional materials.
  • Keep learning and stay updated with the latest in power grid tech, automation, and data communications.

What We’re Looking For:

  • 5+ years of experience in the electrical power industry, especially with power grid tech.
  • A strong sales mindset, with the ability to spot and develop opportunities.
  • Great communication skills—whether you’re chatting with technical folks or explaining things to non-tech customers.
  • A customer-first attitude—passion for helping people and building solid relationships.
  • Problem-solving and a knack for understanding customer needs.
  • Proven project management skills, with the ability to juggle multiple priorities.
  • Tech-savvy, especially in electric network protection, automation & control, IT, cloud computing, and data comms.
  • Fluent in English (bonus points for extra language skills).
  • Willingness to travel.

Why Customer Success Manager at Safegrid?

  • A growing tech company with innovative products and amazing customers.
  • Core role in a company with clear purpose.
  • Flexible remote work options.
  • Choose your laptop & enjoy a company phone.
  • Competitive salary & benefits.
  • Be part of a passionate team shaping the future of power grid tech.

If you’re looking for a customer-centric role with a sales-driven mindset and are into grid tech, we want to hear from you!

For more information about the role, please contact:

  • Ari Rahkonen, InHunt, Tel. +358 40 754 3966,
  • Joni Laakso, Safegrid, VP Operations & Finance , puh. +358 50 551 4269, Monday @12-14, Tuesday @ 14-16, Thursday 10-11

Apply now and let’s make things happen together at Safegrid!

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa