Technology and Safety Manager

Suomi / Suomi

InHunt Group’s Senior Headhunters
Harri Knaapi,
+358 45 869 8228 and
harri.knaapi(at) or
Timo Viljakainen
+358 40 503 5554 and

Green North Energy was founded in 2021 by Elomatic when the engineers innovated new business opportunities for the soon-to-be-abandoned Naantali refinery area in Southwestern Finland. The brainstorming led to the concept of a scalable hydrogen plant, recognizing significant business potential and the opportunity to promote a shift away from the fossil economy. As a result, they took the decision to establish a green hydrogen development company, Green North Energy.

Position: Technology and Safety Manager
We are seeking a Technology and Safety Manager to stay up-to-date on related technological advancements and incorporate innovativeness at both the strategic and operational levels where relevant. This role also involves ensuring compliance with safety regulations, enhancing the safety culture, and improving operational efficiency. You have strong collaboration with authorities and other concrete stakeholders.

Concrete goals to your position

  • Find, evaluate and prepare for decision making the technology options (Hydrogen and Ammonium)
  • Ensure that safety regulations and practices (Hydrogen and Ammonium plants and logistics) by TUKES are implemented in plant design in within the agreed and correct timeframe

What we expect:

  • Understanding of local, national, and international safety regulations, health and safety protocols, and industry standards
  • Experience conducting risk assessments (e.g., hazard identification, root cause analysis, job safety analysis) and developing and executing risk mitigation plans
  • Experience in driving a safety culture throughout organization
  • Experience in technology evaluation (based on criteria such as performance, investment, operational costs, maintenance, guarantees, etc.) and fact-based decision-making
  • Understanding of production operations

How to Apply

If you are ready to take on this challenge, please submit your application and CV along with your salary expectations via the link below. For questions about the role, reach out to Senior Headhunters Harri Knaapi, at +358 45 869 8228 and harri.knaapi(at) or Timo Viljakainen at +358 40 503 5554 and timo.viljakainen(at)

Green North Energy is a project development company focused on the production of green ammonia through hydrogen plants. As pioneers, we pave the way for the widespread utilization of the hydrogen economy, accelerating the green transition. We create jobs, accelerate economic growth, reduce global emissions, and contribute to building a resilient Finland. We take pride in all the potential impact our endeavors have.

Green North Energy
On the mission to accelerate the green transition

with green fuels and chemicals

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    InHunt Group on perustettu vuonna 2008  ja on nyt Suomen suurin suorahakutoimija. InHunt toimii jo kahdeksalla paikkakunnalla Suomessa.  Lisäksi InHunt Groupilla on oma kansainvälinen suorahakuverkosto – InHunt World, joka kattaa 29 maata ja kokoaa parhaat paikalliset toimijat yhteen. InHunt apunasi – ympäri maailman.

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    Äyritie 12 C
    (vastaanotto Äyritie 12 B)
    01510 Vantaa